Okay, these exercises can be done by themselves and/or with equipment. The equipment that is suggested is a two pound fitness ball but for the sake of keeping my customized workout plan FREE I am going to be doing it without the ball. If you feel that you are not challenged enough there is always the option of making your own resistance ball. Why not fill a sock with rice or dried beans? Although it may not be the prettiest thing to look at, it does the trick. This means that you can leave the balls at the store and save your cash.
Exercise One
Double Leg Raise
1) Lie on your stomach with our legs together and toes pointed. Use your arms to prop your chest up off of the ground (just a little bit). If you are using a make-shift ball place it between your heels. (The picture depicts proper body position, but think of it without the giant ball)
2) Now squeeze those buns and raise your legs a few inches off of the ground as far as you can and hold for 5 seconds.That’s one rep. Time to do three more sets of ten reps.
This exercise is not only great at working out your derriere, but will also work your lower back and that infamous spare tire in your mid-region
Exercise Two
Butt Lift
1) Start on all fours (if you are using a make-shift ball put the ball behind your right knee). Keeping your right leg bent at 90 degrees, raise it to the side so your leg is parallel to the floor.
2) Lift your right leg even higher on the diagonal so it is behind you. hold it for five seconds and then lower it back to the start position. That is one rep. Do three sets of ten reps and then switch sides.
You can also do this workout without a ball, pulling your knee into your chest and then extending it straight out and up as far as you can go.